– Access Energetic Face Lift

Access Consciousness Energetic Face Lift(tm)

Access is a trademarked program that is designed to help people access consciousness, and be totally present to the infinite beings we are, manifesting that fully here in the physical realm. Through these silent treatments you are supported in being unlocked from polarity, imprisonment, conditioning and the limitation of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.  The Energetic Facelift will help your face and body release energy and clear blockages. This can also balance skin issues and leave you feeling rejuvenated.

These sessions can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and can create similar effects throughout the body. It’s gentle, kind and easy on you and your body.

Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift(tm) is available in spas, massage practices, anti-aging centers, plastic surgeons’ offices and wellness centers worldwide.

There is a series of energies called on for these sessions designed to shift your perspective, cellular memory, beliefs and patterns around aging. Again, this is all done energetically so it’s not a conscious shift. It’s unconscious – and really cool!

I learned how to give this treatment recently and I’m loving the results I’m seeing. In my experience for myself and for clients I’ve been able to see a difference as soon as we get off the table from the first session, which I’m finding amazing! We’re looking and feeling younger. Keeping the wisdom of our years and shifting our beliefs and the way we let time change our bodies. For me it’s early as I learn about this but I didn’t want to wait any longer to share it with you.

The technique involves a series of 14 hand positions on the head, face, neck and chest. Each position is held for 5+ minutes and the treatment is silent.  Clients are on the table for almost the entire session 90 minute session. I find it rejuvenates the skin, the entirety of your body and refreshes the mind amazingly. A bonus I’ve found after receiving sessions is the flow – clients calling and opportunities showing up within hours of each session. Not that I can guarantee these things but anecdotally it’s been awesome! It’s been part of a lovely reset for me and I’m delighted to offer it to you as well.

Book a session: $250 Access Energetic Face Lift
Book a series
of 5 sessions ($250 savings!): $1,000
Access Energetic Face Lift
Two payment plan
for 5 sessions ($525 each): $1,050
Access Energetic Face Lift