After Your Healing Touch Session

After Your Healing Touch Session


Healing is a journey, not an event.  You’ve done deep work today.  Give yourself a couple of weeks to integrate and be kind with yourself in the meantime!

My intention for your healing is that it be powerful yet gentle enough to allow you to integrate it with ease.

In order to best support your healing …

  • Be sure to drink lots of filtered water as you may need to clear toxins released by the treatment.
  • Take a cleansing, hot bath before bedtime.
    • Recipe:
      1 cup baking soda
      1 cup sea salt (or Epsom salts)
      15 drops of your favorite therapeutic grade essential oil (optional)
    • Mix these together in a zip-lock bag or bowl. Shake or stir to mix in the essential oil. Put it all in the bath as you get in, so the essential oil won’t evaporate before you get in.
  • It is suggested that you abstain from alcohol for 24 hours after a treatment to allow for full integration.
  • Over the next few days make a point of noticing any changes. Often the changes are subtle but transformative. Writing in a journal is a nice way to record any shifts.
  • Give yourself permission to have an early night or take a walk after dinner.