Weekly Distance Group Healings

dreamstime_10828145Distance Group Healings are BACK!

This was offered a few years ago and the feedback was amazing! I’ve got many clients and friends with so much going on I felt a cosmic nudge to bring back this offering!

What it looks like: Weekly distance healings will be sent out. They will be waves of healing, light filled energy based on both the overall needs of the group and on the needs of you the individual. Each one will have it’s own flavor and experience.

I will sit in sacred space and meditate – sending a healing your way. You will receive a healing as an individual and the group will receive one collectively.  I will write up my experience and the wisdom that comes through and send it to you via email.

This will have an innitial space of three months so that you can really sink into the healing and open up to the new speed, flow and cosmic space in which we are living, opening up for great support and profound shifts. Beyond the initial three months, you may continue or cancel at any time.

Your healing will be two fold. You will receive a healing when it is sent. Then you will receive a write up. Previous recipients have shared that they feel that they receive a shift stress and grounding and healing both when it is sent and when they read the write up. Isn’t it cool how that works!

To receive these healings, you need do nothing! Your intention has been set by signing up. If you choose, you can continue to contribute simply by being present and aware of your needs and desires as we head into Tuesday each week. (This is not a requirement). Whether you are conscious of it or not, you will help shape the energy of the group healing. Know that healing energy and your guides and angels are incredibly wise and will go where needed and the healing will be offered up for the support and highest good of all participants.

I hope that each one brings you great blessings and profound healing. 

Barush Bashan, The blessings already are!

Schedule: Healings will be weekly for three months from the date you sign up!

Day of the week: Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time

Cost: $77/month

To Register:  Access Energetic Face Lift