Creating Sacred Space
Use these words as your guide to bring protection and call in sacred space for your healing
To the winds of the south, great serpent, come and wrap us in your coils of light. Help us shed our past, old worries, old fears, old ways of being, old stories, old ways of seeing the world and ourselves in it. Help us shed our past the way you shed your skin, in one fell swoop so we may move forward with grace and ease, finding beauty as we go and presence in each moment. Thank you, thank you!
Mother sister jaguar, come and protect our medicine space. Help us walk with peace and impeccability as luminous warriors with no enemies in this life or the next. Help us to know when to be still and when to spring forward in action finding playfulness as we go. Thank you, thank you!
To the winds of the north, humming bird, be with us. Help us to remember that life is a journey and help us find the sweetness as we go Grandmothers and grandfathers, ancient ones , wisdom keepers and healers across time and space and dimension. Thank you for sharing your wisdom so freely with us and for holding us as we tune into that great cosmos of wisdom that lies within. Thank you, thank you!
Great Eagle, Great Condor, thank you for coming to us from the place of the rising sun. Show us mountains, places of wisdom and vision. Thank you for helping us see with your vision, the big picture and the details at once. Thank you for lifting us up as we learn to fly wing to wing with great spirit headed towards our destiny yet again. Thank you, thank you!
Banbha, Eartha, Gaia, Great Mother. Thank you for grounding us in your love and holding us in this way that we cannot fall. We’ve gathered not just for healing but for the honoring of all your children. The finned, the furred, the winged ones. All our relations. Thank you for grounding us so we can make goodness manifest in our lives and in this world. Thank you, thank you!
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, Star Brothers and Sisters, Great Spirit, Shining ones. Thank you for reminding us who we are at a soul level and for helping us sing the song of life again today. Thank you, thank you!
Finally we call to that space within. Where we embody Goddess and God. Where we are one with all that is. Where we have our own place of peace, power, stillness and wisdom. And where our own fire burns brightly. Thank you for reminding us that this space within is truly equal to all the forces in the universe. Thank you, thank you!