Support the Earth – become Vibrant, Lush and Sensuous
We often talk of creating peace by finding peace within ourselves. I had an insight the other day …
5 Tips: Make your Home a Haven For Renewal & Healing
There are some small steps and practices that you can do in your home that will bring great change to your life.
Surfing – Catching the Wave of the Great Change
None of us expected the biggest changes to be happening now. Over these last years - so many have had shifts, and changes that are unsettling leaving them stirred up and wondering what else could possibly come.
Anger & Flow
I had an experience recently that was kind of new and I wanted to share.
Upgrading Your Solar Plexus
When we experience change or growth, it is natural to have some time reevaluating who we are and what our place is in the world.
It’s Easier When You Don’t Focus On It!
Yet when I let go, surrender, forget …and trust … I can see all I need to and MORE! I free myself up to enjoy life!
A Reminder In Stone
Sort of funny – I was pondering the weight on my shoulders, the things I need/want to do.