Private Healing

Experience private shamanic healing for personal transformation

Via Phone or Zoom

At the scheduled time – we come together in sacred space and  discuss what is "up" for you. After our conversation, you get in a comfortable position and we do the healing together with me talking you through the healing with conversation flowing between us. This experience feels like we’re in the room together and you are consciously engaged in the process.

Via Email

You email me what is "up" then I do the work (These are usually booked more quickly as we don’t need to coordinate our schedules.) A healing is done for you and then you receive a lengthy email with an overview and insights from the healing. The benefit of this choice is you have a written document you can refer to and reflect on later. You receive a healing when I do the work, and when you read the write up.


In Person Sessions are available in a lovely office in Santa Fe, NM. Come and work with me in person and bring shifts, healing adn flow to your life.

We start by talking about what’s up for you and what the session will look like. Then you get on the massage table fully clothed and we work collaboratively to balance, clear, uplift and bring restoration. 

Transform your life with energy healing - Embrace this practice for a renewed, harmonious life on your path to well-being.